Textile Talks – Art

8 SEPTEMBER 10:00—18:00



A fundamental part of Contextile’s programme is based on the reflection and debate of ideas, setting Textiles and their growing importance and prominent presence in artistic events in the context of international contemporary art.

This artistic dimension of Textiles in all its forms of expression and representation has been explored in the Textile Talks, a programme for the presentation and discussion of contemporary artistic projects and works.

The 2024 Textile Talks Art(e) will focus on the theme of this 7th edition of Contextile: TOUCH.

Textile Talks are an opportunity for artists, creators and researchers to present their artistic and/or research projects on the subject of textiles.

The programme below is made of Contextile 2024 partners, invited artists and speakers plus the artists selected through an open call.

SUNDAY, September 8

10:00 | Greetings/Welcome

• Presentation of the TextileTALKS, its objectives and methodologies. Lala de Dios, Textile Talks curator.
• Presentation of the concept of Contextile 2024, TOUCH. Contextile Biennial.
• Presentation by the Councellor of Culture of Guimarães Town Council.


Speed Talks (8 minutes each)

Ana Serra Rocha / María Dolores Gallego, Portugal/Spain. International Artistic Narratives. An International Collaborative Message.
Barbara Long, Spain/UK. A Very Touching Story: The Making of Mother Material.
Meghan Price, Canada. Soft rock.

Slow Talks
 (12 minutes)

Victoria Haire, United Kingdom. Weavesound.

11:15 | Coffee break

11:30 | Invited Speakers (15 minutes each)

Esther Grau Quintana, Spain. Co-curator of the invited artist Josep Grau-Garriga’s exhibition. Memory as a Common Thread in Grau-Garriga’s Work.
Zala Orel, Slovenia. Director of the Textile Art Biennial BIEN.

Speed Talks [8 minutes each)

Laurita Siles, Spain. Mutur Beltz: Crafting Sustainable Connections through Touch. Exploring Creativity and Eco-consciousness.
Dominika Krogulska-Czekalska, Poland.Transcending Threads: Exploring Post-Textile Discourse in Activism.
Andrea Kaňkovská / Lucia Horňáková Černayová, Czech Republic / Slovakia. Material Flow Project.
Anto Lloveras, Spain. Re-(t)exHile: Exploring Textile Architecture and Sustainable Fashion in Africa.

Conversation with the artists.

13:00 | Lunch

14:30 | Invited Speakers (15 minutes each)

Canada, invited country to Contextile 2024. Curators of the Canadian art exhibition.
Lala de Dios, Spain. Co-curator of the invited artist Josep Grau-Garriga’s exhibition. A Pioneer’s Work: from Traditional Tapestry to Contemporary Art.

Slow Talks (12 minutes each)

Ana Zamora Moreno, Colombia. Collaboratively Embroidering Nature, an Interwoven Methodology.
Judit Eszter Kárpáti, Hungary. Material Sentience – Crossmodal Textile Interactions. Online.

Conversation with the artists.

16:00 | coffee break

16:15 | Invited Speakers (15 minutes each)

Janis Jefferies, United Kingdom. All of Us Are Strangers. Emeritus Professor Visual Arts, Goldsmiths. University of London, UK. Co chief editor of Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles.
Assadour Markarov, Bulgaria. Artist, curator, teacher at China Academy of Art. 5th Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art 2025: Re-Constellations.

Speed Talks (8 minutes each)

Leena Lukkarinen, Finland. Recycled Crochet Works.
• Tina Marais, Canada. Tactile Metamorphosis – Fib(e)rous connectivity.
Brigida Ribeiros, Portugal. Therapeutic textiles. Gauze, a healing fabric.

Conversation with the artists (30 min.).

17:50 | Conclusions / Summary of the Textile Talks (5min)

18:00 | Networking

18:30 | ClosureDirector of the Textile Art Biennial BIEN.Director of the Textile Art Biennial BIEN.Judit Eszter Kárpáti, Hungary