The programme will be once again, eclectic and with a larger scale, centred around activities and events of international dimension, having in textile the main element of reference in the reflection, research, and artistic creation. The programme also reflects the development of partnerships and connections with other territories of textile culture, and fundamentally a place of gathering and debate about Contemporary Textile Art. And in these 10 years of existence, also of celebration.
The International Exhibition includes 58 works by 54 artists, (33 countries), selected by an international jury from a call.
A portrait of the creation in contemporary textile art on the national and international scene with artworks by artists from five continents.
Invited Artist
Artistic interventions in public space by renowned Ghanaian artist Ibrahim Mahama. The design and production of the project will be carried out in context for Contextile 2022, having as reference the concept and framework of the biennial.
Ibrahim Mahama uses the transformation of materials to explore themes such as commodities and primary goods, trade, migration, globalization and economic exchanges. Often made in collaboration with others, his large-scale installations employ materials collected from urban environments, such as scraps of wood or jute bags that are sewn together and placed on architectural structures.
The exhibition is based on the idea of time reaction time presenting artworks by 10 Portuguese artists, with higher incidence from the 1960s and 70s (when a greater interest in textile art emerged in Portugal), who have included the textile in their artistic practices either through technique, material or thought-process.
Artworks from the Artists:
Ana Vieira, António Barros, Eduardo Nery, Gisella Santi, Joana Vasconcelos, João Pedro Vale & Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, José de Guimarães, Leonor Antunes, Lourdes Castro and Margarida Reis.
Invited Artist
Artistic interventions in public space by renowned Ghanaian artist Ibrahim Mahama. The design and production of the project will be carried out in context for Contextile 2022, having as reference the concept and framework of the biennial.
Ibrahim Mahama uses the transformation of materials to explore themes such as commodities and primary goods, trade, migration, globalization and economic exchanges. Often made in collaboration with others, his large-scale installations employ materials collected from urban environments, such as scraps of wood or jute bags that are sewn together and placed on architectural structures.
Invited Country
For a greater affirmation of Textile Art in Portugal, where it is not yet a common practice in the visual arts, and to reinforce the exhibition of artworks by foreign artists, whose contribution is fundamental to the excellence of this event, Contextile 2022 invited to this edition, Norway, through NTK – Norwegian Textile Artists Association, to promote an exhibition of Norwegian textile art with works by 12 artists.
Artworks by the artists:
Anne Knutsen & Karen Kviltu Lidal, Ase Ljones, Åsne Kummeneje Mellem, Cato Loland, Ingunn Bakke, Karin Lindell, Lilian Saski, Linn Rebekka Amo, Malin Bulow, Sidsel Palmstron, Siri Berqvam, Tore Magne Gundersen.
Contextile 2022, following a strategy of cooperation and rapprochement between the territory, the Embroidery of Guimarães and the Textile Industry with the contemporary textile art, summons artists, national and international, to conduct artistic residencies having as objective the creation and production of artistic works from the concept proposed by the Biennial.
Welcoming 8 artists: Jiaxi Li, Johanna Stella Rogalla, Lars Preisser, Paloma de la Cruz (Call), Julie Bénédicte Lambert, Tina Struthers (BILP), Adelina Ivan e Indrė Spitrytė, Pedro Bastos (Magic Carpets).
Artistic Education and Textile Creation
In this 6th edition, Contextile challenged artistic schools to intervene in public spaces of knowledge around Couros. Exhibition with the artistic schools that have textiles in their curricula, FBAUP, FBAUL, EAAD-UM, Soares dos Reis e António Arroio.
Textile TALKS
Textile Talks – Educational Futures aims to promote a network and a dialogue between different actors and institutions, with links to territories of textile culture, promoting excellence in textile teaching and exploring its artistic and cultural dimension.
Textile TALKS
Educational Futures
A fundamental part of the biennial’s action, for the framing of textile in the context of contemporary art, is centred in the reflection and debate of projects and ideas. In this sense, the TextileTalks promote the presentation and discussion of projects and artistic works.
1- Jacquard Master Class
by Adrien Landry
2- Paper Making
by Magda Soboń
3- Cyanotype
by Cindy Steiler
4- Drawing with threads
by Cindy Steiler
5- Fibers, preparation and spinning
by Guida Fonseca e Orenzio Santi
6- Textile structures, loom preparation and weaving
by Guida Fonseca e Orenzio Santi
7- Corpus Compactum – Sculpture in felt
by Ana Rita de Albuquerque
8- Printing: Transparency and pattern
by Joana Paradinha
9- Embroidery of Guimarães
by Bordadeiras d’A Oficina
10- Imprints and Stains with indigo and iron oxide
by Lala de Dios
It is foreseen a set of oriented and guided visits, with artists and curators, around the exhibitions, destined to artists, schools and the general public.
Satellite Projects
The exhibition will be the prelude to the III Iberian Encounters of Contemporary Textile Art and will bring together the work of Rosa Godinho on the Portuguese side and Aurèlia Muñoz on the Spanish side. Two artists with a long career and widely recognized in the context of contemporary Iberian and international textile art.
Using ancestral techniques linked to textiles such as the construction of textile planes through knots and weaving tapestries, their works expand the traditional scope of sculpture and establish a dialogue from the contemporary.
Crossed Season
Portugal / France
The project IMAGINE! – Crossed Season – Guimarães / Clermont-Ferrand 2022 is the result of a partnership between Contextile – Bienal de Arte Têxtil Contemporânea and FITE – Festival International des Textiles Extraordinaires, which translates into a joint programming strategy concomitant with the 10 years of existence of both events and the 10 years of celebration of Guimarães 2012 – European Capital of Culture.
The project IMAGINE! gathers in an exhibition, the artworks of 10 French artists working in dialogue with the artworks of the Palace of the Dukes. This mirrored programme also features another exhibition of Portuguese artists at the Musée d’Art Roger Quilliot in Clermont-Ferrand, also opening in September.
Artworks by the artists:
Arnaud Cohen, Cecile Ndiaye, Garance Alves, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Lucile Drouet, Majida Khattari, Pascal Monteil, Rieko Koga, Romeo Mivekannin, Sabine Cibert