by Julie B. Lambert

10 March — 21 May 2023 

BETWEEN THE BODY AND THE STRAW is the exhibition proposed by the artist Julie Lambert (Quebec, Canada), after the artistic residency she conceived for the biennial Contextile 2022 in Guimarães, for which she had the cooperation of the Museu da Palha de Fafe (Museum of Straw of Fafe) and local artisans.

This same exhibition will follow in June to BILP (Biennale Internationale du Lin de Portneuf, Quebec), so Julie Lambert and the Municipality of Fafe understood that it made perfect sense that the exhibition “Conversar. Between the Body and the Straw” was made known to those who breathe it, for what it represents for the territory and for the local artisans.

“Conversar. Between the Body and the Straw” is part of the ‘To experiment Textile’ initiatives, which take place in the territory of Vale do Ave, with the aim of connecting the various realities of textile between each other, the different audiences and communities, to the processes of creation around the textile element.

It is also in this context that Julie Lambert promotes an ARTISTIC RESIDENCY in Straw, in context and in co-creation with the community of straw artisans of Fafe, whose artistic result will be presented at the Arquivo Municipal (Municipal Archive) on March 24, 2023.

* CONVERSAR – To converse, to have a conversation.

Braided straw, a fascinating and luminous material, is the source of inspiration guiding my approach throughout this project.

The characteristics of the straw, its qualities and constraints, were the guiding thread, the respected watchword.

I wanted to discover the Portuguese culture through a particular know-how, specific to the region that welcomes me. Here, I met people of great generosity, who made all the braids necessary for the realization of this exhibition.

It was during the artistic residency organized by the Contextile Biennial, last summer, that I created all the works gathered under the title: Porter les silences. Série réminiscences. (Carrying the silences. Reminiscences series).

In it, I address our relationship to the body. Traditional straw objects are mainly containers. They are made to carry precious things that we want to wrap with beauty or to protect our head delicately and with style.

I asked myself: what if I had to create a custom container to carry something precious, what would I need to carry? Which shape would be useful and fit my proportions? This is the starting point for these large baskets that carry silences. I imagined these volumes, molded to the body, as imprints of our postures supporting invisible weights.

Workshop sobre a criação e as técnicas da arte em Palha, com a artista Julie Lambert e artesãos de Fafe.

11 Março 2023 – 15:00—18:00

Inscrição gratuita: [email protected]

Iniciative: Município de Fafe

Concept and prodution Ideias Emergentes / Contextile 2022

Co-financing: DGARTES

Media Partner: Jornal Ting