Júri 2022

Júri da 6ª edição da Contextile – Bienal de Arte Têxtil

Santos Melo

n. 1975, Porto
Curadora, Consultora e Direcção Artística independente. Docente do Ensino Superior (ESE-IPP). Artista plástica.
Directora Artística da Contextile – Bienal de Arte Têxtil Contemporânea em Guimarães
Licenciada em Artes Plásticas Pintura pela Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto.

Frequentou  as componentes curriculares do Mestrado em Criação Artística Contemporânea, Universidade de Aveiro e do Doutoramento  em Arte Contemporânea, Colégio das Artes, Universidade de Coimbra. Foi investigadora do Citar(Centro de Investigação de Teoria das Artes, da Escola das Artes da Universidade Católica) entre 2011 e 2013.

Palavras definidoras Arte Têxtil hoje:
· origem
· capacidade de ser transversal 
· especificidade e expansão


Janis Jefferies is a writer, curator and artists, emeritus professor of visual art. For 30 years she worked at Goldsmiths, University of London leading textile, art, computing and research programmes. She has published and exhibited internationally since 1980, most recently in 2019. The Enchantment of Cloth (with Prof Barbara Layne), the Central de Diseo, Madrid (August) and 5th International Art and Science Exhibition and Symposium, Tsinghua University and National Museum of China, Beijing. Recent publications include 2020. Jefferies & Weinberg. ‘Around the World in 80 Biennials: Curating Lausanne, Hangzhou, Kaunas.’ in A Companion to Textile Culture, ed. Jennifer Harris. Wiley Publishers, 2019 ‘Textile Modernism: Transcultural readings of Maryn Varbanov and abstract weaving from East to East, from Local to Global’ in ed. Prof. Dr. Bu Dogramaci (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU München).Textile Modernism for Bohlau Verlag’s, German and English and 2019 ‘Polish Ghosts’ in Abakanowicz: Metamorfizm/Metamorphism, ed. Marta Koweskla, Centralne Muzeum Włokiennictwa w Łodzi and many reviews for Textile: Journal of Cloth & Culture, Textile History, Textile Research and Surface Design USA, In 2019, Jefferies curated Breaching Borders, the National exhibition of Polish Tapestry, City Art Gallery, part of the 16thInternational Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz, Poland and was the first international curator, Fibre Art Triennial, Hangzhou, China, 2013. She is Co-Chief Editor of the Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of World Textiles with Dr Vivienne Richmond (due December 2023).


de Dios

Lala de Dios is an art historian by education and a vocational weaver. She teaches and lectures on textile art, design and crafts both at her country and abroad (Andalusian Centre for Contemporary Art, Seville, 2022; National Museum of Decorative Arts, Madrid, 2021; China Academy of Art in Hangzhou and University of Guangzhou, 2019; Tama Art University in Tokio and Yamagata School of Art&Design, Japan, 2018; Textile Talks Contextile 2020 and 2018, Guimaräes, Portugal…). She has curated a number of national and international exhibitions and events (Fine Tuning, 2022; Peninsulares 2022, 2021 and 2013, Spain and Portugal; Pushing the Limits, online, 2020 ongoing; Loose Ends, Guimaräes, 2014…). Member of the jury of several editions of Contextile, Art al Vent and the WTA Biennial editions in Costa Rica and Colombia.

She has worked in cooperation for development projects in Africa and South America, an experience which has greatly enriched her understanding of textile practices in widely different local contexts. Co-founder and current chairwoman of Asociación para la Creación Textil (former Asociación de Creadores Textiles de Madrid). President of the Spanish National Arts&Crafts Organization. Former president of the European Textile Network ETN from 1997 to 2019 where she now sits at the Advisory Council. Member -among others- of Madrid Designers Association DIMAD and Women in Visual Arts MAV.

My three words for contemporary textile art are Meaningful, Hybrid and Multi-layered.



Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė ŽALTĖ is an artist and the Associate Professor of Textile Department, Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania. Since 2013 she has been a border member of the organizational committee of the Kaunas Biennial. She has curated and managed a number of local, national and international exhibitions and projects. Her focus is on building international relations between artists, organisations and cultural operators through interdisciplinary art projects, artist promotion and networking. Her artworks presented and awarded at solo and group exhibitions worldwide: Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Austria, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden,  Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium, France, Irealand, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, India, Japan, USA. 

3 words about Textile Today:
· Humanity
· Unexpected
· Collaborative



Contactou desde muito cedo com os têxteis no atelier de sua mãe Gisella Santi. É um artista e professor de tecnologia têxtil na Escola Artística António Arroio onde também exerceu, de 2017 a 2021, o cargo de diretor do Curso de Produção Artística. Apaixonado pela tecnologia têxtil, desenvolveu diversos trabalhos de tapeçaria e tecelagem, dedicando-se também à construção de teares. Gosta de se envolver em projetos que utilizem energias colaborativas e desenvolvam redes abertas de conhecimento.